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StickIt - Version 1.02 (written 12th April '93)
Copyright 1993 Andy Dean, all rights reserved
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.
No guarantee of any kind is given that the programs described in
this document are 100% reliable. You are using this material at your
own risk. The author *can not* be made responsible for any damage
which is caused by using these programs.
This package is freely distributable, but still copyright by Andy
Dean. This means that you can copy it freely as long as you don't ask
for a more than nominal copying fee.
Permission is granted to include this package in Public-Domain
collections, especially in the excellent Fred Fish Amiga Disk Library
(including CD ROM versions of it). The distribution file may be
uploaded to Bulletin Board Systems or FTP servers. If you want to
distribute this program you must use the original distribution archive
None of the programs nor the source code (nor parts of it) may be
included or used in commercial programs unless by written permission
from the author.
o AmigaDos 2.04+
What Is StickIt ?
StickIt is a computer replacement for the ol' Post-It note. It
allows you to stick notes onto your screen which will be displayed
every time you re-boot; useful to remind you of things to do.
o Unlimited number of notes on screen.
o The notes remember where you left them.
o User-defined font name/size.
o User-defined note size.
o User-defined text/background colour (yep, they can be yellow
if you want !)
o User-defined delay at startup to avoid disk thrashing.
o User-defined filename for note information.
o Standard Workbench 2 interface, with keyboard shortcuts.
Designed with the wonderful "GadToolsBox" by Jan van den
Why Did I Write StickIt ?
StickIt was written with a job to do... to replace all the bits
of paper I used to leave around to remind me to do something. I have
tried to write a program to do that with the minimum of fuss and with
a nice clean Workbench 2 interface. I have tried to make the program
configurable enough for each user's needs, without over-doing it.
There was no such utility available in the Public Domain at the time.
Recently NoteIt! written by Ryan J. Bruner has appeared which has
prompted me to actually finish the documentation and release StickIt.
How Do I Use StickIt ?
Just double-click on the icon!
The program will always needs a note file to run, and by default
this is called "StickIt.notes" and is located in the current
directory. Use the tooltypes in the program icon to configure the
program for your use.
Theory of Operation
StickIt has 2 modes of operation. EITHER it is showing the notes
on the screen OR it is showing the edit window to allow the user to
alter the information kept in the notes.
Showing the Notes
When the notes are being displayed, the user may position each
note by dragging the note with the drag bar. The position of the note
will be stored when the note file is saved.
A note can be temporarily hidden from view by double-clicking on
the note (not on the drag bar) or typing "h" while the note is active.
The note will remain hidden for the current session, unless the user
makes the note visable again by using "Show" in the edit window (see
later). This information is not saved, as all notes are shown when
StickIt is run.
The edit window can be brought up to edit the notes by clicking
with the right mouse button or typing "e" on the active note. This note
will be the current note in the edit window.
The current note can be pushed behind other windows by either
using the depth gadget, or typing "b". The current note can be
brought infront of other windows by either using the depth gadget,
or typing "f".
All actions to do with the saving of the note file, quitting of
the program, adding and deleting notes must be done from the edit
The Edit Window
The window is brought up by clicking with the right mouse button
on the active note. It is also brought up if an attempt is made to
make all the current notes hidden, or the StickIt is run with the
STARTEDIT=YES tooltype, or there are no notes in the note file.
Adding a new note:
This is done by clicking on the "Add" gadget or pressing "a". The
"Note " and "Title" fields are cleared and your cursor is placed in
the "Title" field. The "Title" field contains the text that will
appear in the note's drag bar. Pressing <TAB> will move your cursor to
the "Note" field. Here you can type the main text that will appear in
the body of the note. Pressing <TAB> will move your cursor back to the
"Title" field. As with version 1.02, <RETURN> will also cycle between the
"Note" and "Title" fields.
When you are happy with the text, click on the "Add" gadget again
and the note will be added to the list. The new note will be added to
the front of the list and will be drawn last, and so will be infront
if any notes overlap it.
Deleting the current note:
The current note is that one which is currently on display in the
edit window. Selecting "Delete" from the "Edit" menu (keyboard
shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + B) will remove this note from the list.
Cut, copy, paste:
You may cut (keyboard shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + X), copy (keyboard
shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + C) and paste (keyboard shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA
+ V) notes using the "Edit" menu. This is useful to re-arrange the
order in which notes are drawn or create multiple similar notes from
one existing note. StickIt uses its own internal clipboard, not the
Amiga's. You can't cut/copy/paste information between applications
Editing the current note:
To change the information in the current note, simply alter the
text in the "Title" and "Note" text fields. Instead of just clicking
in the text gadgets, keyboard shortcuts "t" and "n" have been
Hiding the current note:
All notes by default are visable when StickIt is run. By clicking
on the "Show" gadget (keyboard shortcut = "s"), the note can be hidden
from view - useful to stop notes that you've acknowledged from
cluttering up your screen.
Changing the current note:
The current note can be changed by using the back and forth
gadgets at the bottom of the edit window (keyboard shortcuts = "<" or
"," and ">" or "."). The front and back of the list can also be
reached with the "Front" and "Back" gadgets (keyboard shortcuts = "f"
and "b").
Showing all notes:
You can see the effects of your edits by selecting "Show
notes..." (keyboard shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + N) from the "Edit"
window. Return to the edit window by clicking right mouse button on an
active note. Alternatively press click on the "Notes..." gadget in the edit window.
Saving the current note file:
Choose "Save" (keyboard shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + S) from the
"Project" menu to save the current notes to the note file.
Opening the current note file:
Choose "Open" (keyboard shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + O) from the
"Project" menu to open the current note file, replacing the current
notes with those of the note file. You will be warned if the current
notes have been changed.
Other menu items...
Cute about window. Click on the window to make it go away.
Will quit the program. Will warn you if the notes have been
Configuring StickIt
StickIt is entirely configured from the icon's tooltypes. Any
tooltype enclosed in parenthesis is commented out, causing the default
value to be used.
NOTEFILE=<filename> Default:StickIt.notes
This gives the filename of the file that will used to store the
note information. The default file is "StickIt.notes" in the current
directory. Other possibilities could be:
FONTNAME=<fontname>.font Default:Helvetica
This is the name of the font used to write the text in the notes.
If no font name is given, StickIt tries to open Times font. Failing
that, the default screen font is used. My personal favourite font is
"junod" given away with Commodore's "AmigaGuide" distribution (if you
don't have AmigaGuide - WHY NOT!?!). Failing that, a nice handwriting
font may look good, anyway I digress...
Note: You must always put a ".font" postfix after the name of the
font, otherwise StickIt will not find the font (eg `Times.font' or
FONTSIZE=<number> Default:12
This is the size in points of the font.
NOTEHEIGHT=<number> Default:70
The height of each note in pixels.
NOTEWIDTH=<number> Default:150
The width of each note in pixels.
TEXTCOLOUR=<number> Default:1 (Black)
The number of the colour of the pen used to print the main text
of the note. Note the English spelling of "colour".
BACKCOLOUR=<number> Default:0 (Grey)
The number of the colour of the pen used as the background of the
note. Users with >4 colours may wish to make this value that of a
pastel yellow, to give the "look and feel" of a real PostIt note. Note
the English spelling of "colour".
DELAY=<number> Default:0
This is a delay in seconds before the note file is loaded. This
is useful if StickIt is placed in the WBStartup drawer with other
applications loaded at startup. If this value is set to a few seconds,
then StickIt will not be competing for the drive at the same time as
Workbench is loading applictions.
STARTEDIT=<YES> or <NO> Default:NO
Normally StickIt will start by displaying all notes present in
the note file. If no notes are present, the edit window is opened
instead. By setting STARTEDIT to YES, you can force StickIt to open
the edit window even if there notes in the notefile.
Standard WBStartup command to tell Workbench not to wait for
StickIt to finish executing before continuing with the startup.
Creating An Empty Note File
StickIt requires a note file to operate; StickIt will terminate
with an error if the note file can't be found. In order to create a
blank file, I have provided an ARexx utility to do this. If you wish
to create a blank file called "s:StickIt.note" then simply
double-click on the "CreateEmptyFile.rexx" icon and type
"s:StickIt.note" as the filename. Then change the tooltypes of StickIt
to read "NOTEFILE=s:StickIt.notes".
Note that you need ARexx running for this to work.
o Commodore for the Amiga. More programming utilities and
information is needed from C=. AmigaGuide and the ROM Kernal Reference
manuals are a start, but can we also have a window designer, the 3.0
includes and information about new system routines. Wishful thinking?
o Fred Fish for his EXCELLENT library, I just hope that he can
continue to get the support in order to run the library.
o The organisers of Aminet. Thanks for a well organised service
for us lucky souls with anonymous ftp access.
o All the shareware / public domain / freeware authors for tons
of excellent software.
Tested On...
StickIt has been tested on:
o Amiga 500 with
1M Chip RAM
2M Fast RAM
Workbench 2.04
Commodore A590 hard drive, 85M Connor SCSI drive
Microbotics VXL30 accellerator
o Amiga 1200 with
2M Chip RAM
60M internal hard drive
External floppy
o All data is stored in a linked list and so there is no limit
to the number of notes available for use.
o 29 characters can be used in the `Title' field.
o 255 characters can be used in the `Note' field.
I have no real intention to continue improving the program, I
have been using the program myself for a while now and can find
no bugs in it and it does the job for which it was intended. Besides,
inbetween writing StickIt I have a PhD to be getting on with :) ,
HOWEVER if you do find a nasty bug then let me know and I'll do my
My Address...
Andy Dean
Electronic Engineering Dept.
University College London
Torrington Place
Email: adean@eleceng.ucl.ac.uk
And finally...
If you use and enjoy this software then send me a postcard to
tell me how far StickIt has reached. Go on, it'll only take a few
Ta very much, Andy Dean